Creating your New Customer metrics in Meta Ads
For New Customer Rate and New Customer ROAS, we will utilize Meta’s Custom Metric tool.
In your Ads Manager:
- Click Columns
- Select your default columns view if not already selected
- Click customize columns at the bottom of the list
In the Customize Columns pop up that appears
- Click Create custom metric at the top right
On the following custom metric screen you will see a formula box as well as a dropdown menu. We will now go through what to add into that formula box for both New Customer Rate and New Customer ROAS.
*Please note the below formulas cannot be copy/pasted in the box but instead need to be manually added using the available fields.
New Customer Rate
- New customer / (New customer + Returning customer)
- Format: Percentage
- Name your metric: New Customer Rate
- Access: Everyone with Access to this Business
New Customer ROAS
New customer conversion value / Amount Spent
Format: Numeric
Name your metric: New Customer ROAS
Access: Everyone with Access to this Business
Cost per New Customer
No need to enter a formula.
Navigate back to the customize columns table and search for Black Crow new customer in the metric list and select “Cost"